If alone I rise,
do fire my dreams,
do burn my desires..
I'll fight over pains,
let me remain unmourned,
& who cares.??
Nights are worthless,
if dreams
don't meet their fates.
Love becomes endless
when we loose
the fear of checkmates..
Beneath a disgust,
behind a betrayal,
are accumulated bumps
of a malign day..
& what if
& what if,
my existence gets rejected?
I will tel you,
I'll go d warriors' way.!
With tears to drink,
with wounds
not to portray,
with winds of pains
to breath,
No matter,
if even my Gods
curse my essence,
& if every time it seems
no reason to exist,
no way to sense,
O, surely my world,
I will rise,
I will stand,
& firm my breaths.
& for all those pains
I will pay..
I will go the warriors' way..
I will go the warriors' way.!!